Frequently asked questions
General inquiries:
Do we need a permit for our project?
Fences do not require building permits. However, there are a few city bylaws that they must measure up to. The Maximum allowable height for fence construction is 4’ (1.2m) in the front of the house and 6’6” (2.0m) in the back. If you have a pool you are required to have a minimum of 5’ high (1.5m)
DECKS – height:
Any decks over 24” high requires a permit. In this scenario it will also require 36” high railing but can be supported by surface pads for a foundation.
Decks over 51” from the underside of the joist not only require a permit but a specific foundation to pass code. This can be in the form of either groundscrews or concrete piles. Also, in the event the deck is over 72” high, it will require 42” high railing.
DECKS – square footage:
Any deck over 300 sqft that requires a permit will also require engineer approved plans.
Decks over 500 sqft will require a permit, at any height.
Most decks are considered a “simple” deck, however multi-level decks are considered “complex” and have an added fee from the city permit office.
Front porches (over 36sqft) are subject to approval from the city require an additional fee for a front alignment.
Do I need to call before I dig?
That being said, we are unable to locate any secondary, or private, services that your yard may have. It will be your responsibility to inform us of any underground sprinkler systems or electrical lines that have been privately installed.
Are you insured or have WCB?
How long have you been in business?
What is your warranty?
Who are your employees?
Post Hole digging/setting:
How deep will you go? What do you set them in?
We are capable of setting posts deeper upon request.
The maximum we have gone thus far is 6’6″.
What kind of equipment do you use to dig?
What happens to the mud when it comes out of the holes?
Can you just dig and set the posts?
What is the difference between 4x4 vs 6x6 posts?
We do use 6×6 posts when installing sliding barn gates. This is appropriate because the greater surface area of the 6×6 provides better weight dispersal to support the added weight of the overhead track and hanging gate.
Who is your supplier?
More informations regarding their product cab be found here:
Other products including, but not limited to, Pressure treated green, cedartone brown and barefoot brown are available from alternate suppliers. We have samples of each available for you to observe upon request.
What kind of wood do you use?
What is the difference between barefoot and micropro?
– Barefoot: peachy/pink/orange
– Micropro: golden-yellow/honeybrown
They are both “dyed” products (no longer have a surface stain) which will be easier to maintain in the future.
A clear coat, or translucent stain, is recommended in the first 2 years. Barefoot requires seasoning for the moisture to escape while micropro has been kiln dried and capable of accepting stain immediately.
Manufacturer suggest 15-20 years but either will be dependent on the conditions they are exposed to and how diligent you are with the maintenance.
– Barefoot: ACQ pressure treatment
– Micropro: copper-azole (new)
Both treatments are suitable for our climate.
Although similar in price, costs have been fluctuating lately and will be reviewed upon request.
Why do you use screws instead of nails?
By using screws, and not just any screws, but ceramic coated screws we have better control/accuracy during installation. The ceramic coating protects the screw from the chemicals in the pressure treated wood that will actually dissolve inferior fasteners over time causing the to rust and bleed out creating something that looks like black tear drops coming out of where the screws are. Using screws will take a little more time than a nailer, but will produce a superior product.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Do you accept credit cards?
When do we need to make a payment?
A 50% material deposit is due two weeks prior to your start date. This is required to purchase the materials and secure a delivery date for the project.
Balance is due upon completion.