About Us
Woodworking had always been an interest of mine. Receiving several high school awards for Industrial Arts and Mathematics the pairing made a logical decision to enroll in the Faculty of Engineering for my university studies. After the introductory year, I was employed by a large construction firm with my first job in the industry. Fascinated with the hands on experience I opted to explore Science and Management courses while continuing to pursue construction jobs in the summers. Ultimately receiving my Bachelor of Science majoring in Chemistry.
Skill Development
Poker Boom
Before completing my degree there was a huge boom in poker popularity. A friend suggested we build a table. It turned out really nice so I donated a second to a close friend’s wedding social. Someone attending requested another and an entrepreneur was born. I started advertizing them on Kijiji and the next thing I knew I was using a printing company to produce the cloths and manufacturing them for Winnipeg’s Major sports teams. Their players autographed them in order to be auctioned off at their fundraisers. The Winnipeg Firefighters raised almost $20,000 with theirs. I was lucky to make a little bit of money building them as I certainly didnt make any by playing on them!
Poker Table gallery
The Next Step
Throughout university I continued a friendship with a group of engineering students. We all came from different high schools, and had our own previous groups of friends, but it wasn’t long until we all got to know each other and our network grew. These in fact are the original “Squirrels”. The name dates back to before I had met them.. but was always the name chosen for our rec hockey team in the winter and slo-pitch team in the summer.. as well as just a general term for the group of friends it encompassed. As demand for my services grew, several of them took turns helping out with projects, and collectively we became “Squirrel” Construction!
Current Staff
Our Commitment to Excellence
I have always taken pride in the work we produce. It was never just building poker tables or decks and fences. It has always been about building a reputation for quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. After all these years, we have it down to a science, and we haven’t lost sight of our goals. We are still dedicated to offering exceptional quality and extraordinary customer service while maintaining competitive prices.